Friday, January 4, 2013

5 Tips for a Successful Whole 30

1.)    BE PREPARED. Well before committing to the Whole30 challenge, do your research. Know what you are getting in to. Learn exactly what you can and cannot eat. Understand which foods are best, okay, and not okay. Keep your fridge and cupboards stocked with Whole30 approved foods. Bring lunch with you to work and snacks with you when you are out for the day, so you are not left stranded starving. 
2.)    FAILING IS NOT AN OPTION. You made a commitment to your gym, to your partner, to your friends, and most importantly to yourself to start and finish something. Go into the Whole 30 Challenge as if failing is not possible. A cheat is not possible. A breakdown is not possible. Quitting is not possible.  You can do anything for 30 days. That being said, do not choose a 30 day period where your birthday, a special event, or a holiday you were looking forward to falls under it. You would either be setting yourself up for failure or to be miserable. One great way to keep yourself from failing is to keep yourself accountable. For example, I keep this blog. You could tell all your friends and/or co-workers what you are doing. That way you keep in mind that if you quit other people will know too.
3.)    EAT PROTEIN AND FAT FOR BREAKFAST. If you want to become a fat-burner you must stop relying on carbs for energy. If you are having fruit or smoothies (paleo or not) for breakfast, you are keeping yourself addicted to carbohydrates. During my last Whole30 I usually had one egg over easy for a light breakfast. My bigger breakfasts were usually something like 2 eggs with bacon or 2 eggs scrambled with left-over meat and vegetables. If you need breakfast on the go, grab a couple of boiled eggs. If you don’t like eggs – no one ever said you can’t have dinner for breakfast! Heat up some left-overs, cook up some sausage or grill some chicken.
4.)    EAT YOUR VEGETABLES WITH FAT. Most important vitamins are fat-soluble, which means your body won’t even absorb these nutrients without some healthy fat. So top your salads with avocado and cook your veggies with some coconut oil.
5.)    KEEP YOURSELF INFORMED AND EDUCATED. During and after your Whole30 keep reading up on nutrition and consider the sources. Keep reading labels on the food you buy. Keep finding and trying new recipes.

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